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IBPS CRP RRB XIII Recruitment 2024


IBPS RRB 13th 2024 Selection Procedure

The structure of the Examinations which will be conducted online are as follows:
Preliminary Examination (objective)

Office Assistants (Multipurpose)

Sr. No Name of Test Medium of Exam No. of Qs Maximum Marks Duration
1 Reasoning * 40 40 Composite time of 45 minutes
2 Numerical Ability * 40 40
Total 80 80

Officer Scale-I

Sr. No Name of Test Medium of Exam No. of Qs Maximum Marks Duration
1 Reasoning * 40 40 Composite time of 45 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude * 40 40

($) – IBPS reserves the right to make the duration of Tests separate for each test. This will be duly communicated to the candidates in the information Handout.

** Candidates (for both posts) have to qualify in both the tests by securing minimum cut-off marks. Adequate number of candidates in each category, depending upon requirements, will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.

Main Examination (objective)

Office Assistants (Multipurpose)

Sr. No Name of Test Medium of Exam No. of Qs Maximum Marks Duration
1 Reasoning * 40 50 Composite Time of 2 hours
2 Computer Knowledge * 40 20
3 General Awareness * 40 40
4 English Language English 40 40
5 Hindi Language Hindi 40 40
6 Numerical Ability * 40 50
Total 200 200

($) – IBPS reserves the right to make the duration of Tests separate for each test. This will be duly communicated to the candidates in the information Handout

Officer Scale-I

Sr. No Name of Test Medium of Exam No. of Qs Maximum Marks Duration
1 Reasoning * 40 50 Composite Time of 2 hours
2 Computer Knowledge * 40 20
3 General Awareness * 40 40
4 English Language English 40 40
5 Hindi Language Hindi 40 40
6 Quantitative Aptitude * 40 50
Total 200 200

Single level Examination (objective)

Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer)

Sr No. Name of the Tests Medium of Exam No. of Qs. Maximum Marks Duration 
1 Reasoning Hindi/English 40 50 Composite Time of 2 hours
2 Computer Knowledge Hindi/English 40 20
3 Financial Awareness Hindi/English 40 40
4a. English Language English 40 40
4b. Hindi Language Hindi 40 40
5 Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation Hindi/English 40 50
Total 200 200

($) – IBPS reserves the right to make the duration of Tests separate for each test. This will be duly communicated to the candidates in the information Handout.

Officer Scale-II (Specialist Cadre)

Sr No. Name of the Tests Medium of Exam No. of Qs. Maximum Marks Duration 
1 Professional Knowledge Hindi/English 40 40 Composite Time of 2 hours and 30 minutes
2 Reasoning Hindi/English 40 40
3 Financial Awareness Hindi/English 40 40
4a. English Language English 40 20
4b. Hindi Language Hindi 40 20
5 Computer Knowledge Hindi/English 40 20
6 Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation Hindi/English 40 40
Total 240 200

($) – IBPS reserves the right to make the duration of Tests separate for each test. This will be duly communicated to the candidates in the information Handout.

Officer Scale- III

Sr No. Name of the Tests Medium of Exam No. of Qs. Maximum Marks Duration 
1 Reasoning Hindi/English 40 50 Composite Time of 2 hours and 30 minutes
2 Computer Knowledge Hindi/English 40 20
3 Financial Awareness Hindi/English 40 40
4a. English Language English 40 40
4b. Hindi Language Hindi 40 40
5 Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation Hindi/English 40 50
Total 200 200


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