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Assistant(Accountant) (BS-16)

Assistant(Accountant) (BS-16)

The Government Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur invites applications from Punjab Domicile Holders for the job of Assistant(Accountant) following administrative vacant posts on Regular Basis / Contract Basis.

i. Master’s degree or BS (second division) in Commerce or Management
Sciences or Accounting and Finance or Economics or equivalent
qualification from an institute or university recognized by Higher
Education Commission; and
ii. five years’ experience of handling accounts or audit matters.

  1. How to apply:
    i. All candidates shall apply online till (Friday) 05.07.2024 through GSCWU Bahawalpur website www.gscwu.edu.pk , followed by submission of 03 Complete sets of
    applications in bound form bearing attested copies of degrees, certificates, one photograph for each set and one copy of the online fee challan (non-refundable)
    generated by online job application system amounting Rs. 500/- for the post of BS-01 to BS-05 & Rs. 1,000/- for the post of BS-06 to BS-16 via Registered Mail
    through Pakistan Post or any Courier Service to the Information Desk, Gate No.02, GSCWU Bahawalpur. www.gscwu.edu.pk.
    ii. Candidates applying for more than one post shall submit separate applications and pay separate application processing fee.
    iii. Candidates already in service of a Government / Semi-Government Department or an Autonomous body must submit a copy of NOC along with application form by
    the due date, otherwise their applications shall not be entertained, advance copy of application without NOC will not be entertained.
    iv. Applications will be received only through registered mail / courier etc. by hand applications will not be accepted.
    v. Applicants are directed to clearly mention the name of the post applied for, and mode of appointment on the top right corner of the envelope, submit each application
    in a separate envelope, do not combine multiple applications in a single envelope.
  2. The University reserves the rights:
    i. Not to fill / withdraw any advertised post / withhold the appointment against any post, or consider a person for appointment in a lower cadre against the post advertised.
    ii. To shortlist the candidates on the basis of academic qualifications and experience. Only short-listed candidates will be called for interview.
    iii. To increase or decrease the number of vacancies as per availability of budget.
    iv. Nature of posts can be changed according to the need of the University.
    v. The University is not responsible if call letters are not received due to any lapse of Courier Agency / Post Office.
  3. 15% Quota for Women, 5% Quota for Minorities and 3% Disabled Quota will be implemented where applicable.
  4. No TA/DA will be admissible for test / interview.
  5. Age relaxation, for appointment by initial recruitment, shall be admissible as per policy of the Government
  6. The applications complete in all respects must reach office of the undersigned latest by (Monday) July 08, 2024. Incomplete applications / received after the due
    date will not be entertained
    Registrar The Government Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur
    Phone No. 062- 9250075, 062 – 9250456
    Website: www.gscwu.edu.pk